DR Evelyn Sheehy

A Consultant in Paedodontics

Dr Evelyn Sheehy qualified from Trinity College Dental School, Dublin. She was awarded her Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. She specialised in Paediatric Dentistry at Tufts University, Boston, USA, and obtained Board Certification from the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry in 1992


While undertaking her consultant training at United Medical & Dental Schools, Guy’s & St Thomas Hospitals, London, she was awarded a PhD from the University of London and a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Paediatric Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh in 1998. She is a consultant at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Hospital and has also worked part-time in practice as a Specialist in Children’s Dentistry since 2000. Her research interests includes dental trauma in children and adolescents, behaviour management, oral microbiology and cariology. She has lectured both nationally and internationally and has published widely in the fields of cariology and oral microbiology.

Dr Evelyn Sheehy obtained honours in Restorative Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry, and was awarded a prize in Preventive Dentistry by the Dublin Dental Board at the time of obtaining her BDSc degree. She was awarded the Manuel Album prize for an original presentation on “Augmentative communication for the non-verbal child” at the annual conference of the American Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped in 1993. She also obtained the UK 3M prize by the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry for her research on “Oral microflora in children undergoing liver transplantation” in 1997.

Dr Evelyn Sheehy is a very experienced specialist in children’s dentistry. She has a caring and gentle approach to the management of her patients. She provides the following specialist services to children and adolescents:

diagnosis and treatment planning
– preventive care
– pain control
– restorative dentistry
– cosmetic dentistry
– management of dental trauma
– management of children with disability
– space maintenance

She aims to provide her patients with a positive dental experience so that maintaining a healthy mouth becomes their life-long priority.