Restorative Dentistry

Aylin Baysan qualified from Hacettepe University School of Medicine and Dentistry, was appointed as Lecturer in the same Institute, then did an MSc in Gerodontology at the Barts and Royal London, and a clinical PhD in Adult Oral Health, in the same school. She worked as a Clinical Lecturer at Birmingham and Guy’s Dental School before starting her Specialist programme (Walport Award) to become a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at the Barts and Royal London where she works as a Clinical Lecturer and treats referred dental patients. Aylin has just been selected to the Leadership programme in Ashridge Business School.


  • MSc University of London, 1996
  • PhD University of London, 2002
  • MFDS RCSED, Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, 2005
  • FHEA (Merit) King’s College, 2007

She is finishing her Specialist programme (5 year programme) in Restorative Dentistry next year. This programme which is prerequisite to apply for a Consultant post, is an accredited and approved by the General Dental Council and Royal College of Surgeons. Restorative Dentistry covers complex dental work related to restoring damaged teeth and gums such as crowns, bridges, implants, root canal treatment, whitening teeth, gum problems, dentures and wear cases.

Her research work regarding detection and management of root caries either using ozone or Duraphat toothpaste had an invaluable contribution to the Cariology field as this work is already benefiting many patients throughout the world and the treatment concept allows positive impact on the dental care. She received various prizes and awards for her research. She is currently a Vice President in Gerodontology Group, International Association of Dental Research. She has published and presented her research extensively nationally and internationally.

Outside her work, she enjoys spending time with her precious daughter, plays piano, loves Flamenco and is a member of Tate Modern. She is interested in theatre and classical music.